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Michelle Gosper

Maggie very generously shared her research, photos and writings on Alf Carpenter – a 104 year old WW2 veteran and all round extraordinary human being – for the Newcastle and Hunter Combined Schools ANZAC Commemorative Event held in 2021.

This unique event tells local stories of involvement in theatres of war and peacekeeping through direct address, drama, audio visuals and song.

Maggie’s work Alf Carpenter – Second to None, formed the basis of the narrative as we lifted the words from her pages to our stage. Her wonderful generosity and genuine love for Alf, as well as her storytelling skill, made the development of this year’s Event a joy and we are so grateful to have been able to use her work.

Thank you, Maggie.

maggie paxton-love

An absolute pleasure to be of help! It is so important that stories such as these are shared. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to an event so close to my heart.

Wayne Finch

Hi Maggie
We hope this letter finds you & your family well.
At our last 2/4th Infantry Battalion meeting it was discussed that we would like to print Alf’s Story- “Second To None” in our White Over Green Journal, to enable all our members to read about Alf.
As your Journal has a Copyright 2017 by M. Paxton-Love we are asking permission to print the story in our Journal over several months . We will also acknowledge you as the owner.
In your Journal one of our members has read & also written to you re a mistake in Chapter 6 page 46 – Private Alexander Webb – that her father was not taken prisoner of war by the Germans. Could this be adjusted to correct the records.
We are requesting your permission to print Alf’s story in our Journal.

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